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Exec Pet Transportaion Services

Cat In a Tree
Cat In Bowl

Frequently Asked Questions - Shipping Cats - The Atlanta Cat Expert

We try to anticipate questions you might have about our service and general questions about "how to ship a cat" and provide the answers here. If you need additional information, please e-mail us or feel free to contact our office directly at 678-975-2518.

1. How Does Exec Pet Transportation Move Cats?

We move cats very efficiently, quietly and quickly with our nonstop pet transportation service. Moving cats can be tricky. Cats do not like change. We will do everything in our power to create the most stress free travel for your cat. Almost every one I know has more than one cat. Great house buddies do not necessarily make good travel buddies. At Exec Pet Transportation each cat will have their open air crate, private disposable litter box, secured water cup with bottled water and fresh sanitized bedding material for their travel comfort.  Our driving team will come to our door with crates all ready to go. We will hand them to you.  Most cats are familiar with their owner and the minute someone new walks in the home they scatter. With this in mind we will had the crates to you and wait at the door until you have them all secured.  We will then come in your home, inspect the crate for secured connections then we zip tie the door shut then escort them to the transport.  These luxury transports are climate controlled and quiet.  We then put the kitties in and all your pet items then we are off and running.  Shipping a cat does not have to be a hard thing.  They usually will sit quietly, snuggled in the blankets and just sleep most of the way.  Cats eat very little when they travel.  It's a good thing we get to where we are going fast to reduce the stress for them.  Our nonstop transports move your cat in hours not days.  Next thing you know we are bringing them to your door were we again, come in to a secured room, and cut the tie off. Your cat or cats will always be safe and secure in our trusted hands. 

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.

2. I have 4 cats and I am very nervous about them getting loose, can you do this?

Yes we can. Cats can be very tricky when it comes to moving them. Rest easy knowing they will be in the hands of professionals. We come in to your secured home with our open air creates set up just perfect for kitties. Small crates and soft blankets are what cats like. They love to find a little spot and think they are invisible. Each kitty will have their own crate, with their own disposable litter box secured to the side so they can't tip it over. Even their water bowls are secured on the side so they can not accidentally tip them over. Once you have place kitty in the create we then zip tie the door shut. There is NO way we are going to lose a cat. Placed safely in our luxury transport, side by side, your pet family can see each other while having their own personal space. I then place a towel on 1/2 of the crate giving kitty the feeling they are hidden and safe. Cats like small places and they then sit right down and enjoy the ride (or I should say tolerate it) We keep it nice and quiet in the minivans until we quickly reach our destination where your kitties are reunited back to you. I have 7 cats myself. We do really well when it comes to moving your cat.

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.

3. Is there anything I can do to get my cat prepared for traveling?

Yes. The more you practice with your cat at home, the better their travel experience will be. Sometimes we have the wrong idea about crates. Look at this way. A crate is their private sanctuary that goes with them everywhere. Once they establish that the crate is their "safe place" they will not only enjoy their ride better, but it will reduce stress tremendously giving them feeling that they never really left home.  Home is with them always.

Get your cat used to the crate. After making sure you have the right sized crate, keep it lying around weeks in advance. Let the cat get used to its smell and the way it looks. By marking the pet shipment container, the cat will feel more comfortable in it during the trip.

Get your cat's papers ready. If you move your cat within the lower 48 Unites States you will need very few documents Most public forms of pet relocating will require a vet certificate within 10 days of travel, identification collar or micro chip and an approved crate for the transportation service.  Also, take in consideration that you might be able to take kitty on the plane "in cabin" with you. Crate sizes are small and can be found at Wal-Mart.   I recommend traveling first class to allow more foot room, which is where your kitty will be sitting for the ride. Different countries, states and apartments have their own rules for transporting and keeping pets. Make sure that you have complied with all the requirements before moving with a cat.

Health Check. Give your cat a proper check up before pet shipment. Get a valid health certificate and update the vaccination record within 10 days of travel. Ask your vet what medicines you will need with you on the trip. Have your vet recommend a reliable veterinarian in the place where you're moving too.

Identification. Cats like to wander. An ID tag or microchip will make sure that you can be located if your cat should stray during the journey. Put your veterinarian's number on the ID tag, too.

Keep your cat in one room on moving day. Put some food, water and a litter tray in the room and keep the windows and door closed. This will help the cat stay calm amid all the hustle and bustle while the movers are at work.

Yet, the best way for moving with a cat is to get someone else to do it for you. I know, I know – you love your kitty and you want to keep them close, but, there are pet moving companies out there that will ensure your cat is safe and happy. Exec Pet Transportation, for example, will drive your kitty across the United States in style and luxury. Your cat will enjoy the comfort of a professional driving team that will never leave their side, fed treats, given bottled water, and snuggled warm in a climate controlled quiet minivan or SUV. I recommend Exec Pet Transportation highly to ensure your pets safe travel.

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.

4. I have a big move across the United States with 5 cats what's the most cost effective way to do this?

Believe it or not, hire us. By the time you go to the vet and get vet certificates for 5 cats, then approved crates for 5 cats, then pay for each pet to travel, you have spent more than you think. I never recommend flying a pet unless you can put it safely at your feed "in cabin", but they limit one pet per person. Then a group transport will take days even weeks to get across the country and your pets will be in those crates for days as well. Shipping multiple cats can become a real ordeal. But when you hire us we make this very easy. You tell us what time you want us to be there and we are at your front door with everything. We supply crates, disposable litter boxes, bottled water and a beautiful climate controlled luxury minivan. NO vet certificates are needed as your pet are the only pets in this private ride. Shipping a cat does not have to be hard. We do this every day and we love our Kitty travelers. Your cat family will ride side, by, side, so they will feel comfortable seeing their best friend with them. The nonstop service gets your cat family there fast, again reducing the stress levels of your pet family. All of our pet transports have cell phone (Verizon service) so you will be in constant contact with your driving team and feel connected to your sweet kitties. We really don't charge per pet, this private transport is yours, and if we have room feel free to send all pet items with us. This makes it easy for you on the other end, not having to dig through boxes to find all your pet supplies. Call today for a FREE QUOTE 678-975-2518

5. My cats hate change and moving is going to make them nuts, what can I do?

Cats do NOT like change. Most people do not either. One of the challenges in moving a cat is getting your cat accustomed to its new home. It takes time for a cat to get used to a new environment so moving with a pet to a new place requires a lot of patience on your part.

Tips to make the transition easier:
• When your cat is moving to a new home, have everything ready for the time you reach your destination. Put the cat in a room with the windows and doors shut. Cats like to roam so moving with your pet cat to a new location requires that you keep the cat secure until you’ve settled down. Make sure the room has enough food, water, a litter basket and the cat’s favorite blanket.
• After you’ve unpacked, keep your cat company as often as possible for reassurance. You’re moving with a pet to a strange new place so allow it, when it’s ready, to explore the other parts of the house. Make it easy for the cat by rubbing the cat’s face with a soft cloth. Then, wipe the different parts of the house with this cloth.
• Keep your cat indoors for a couple of weeks before allowing it outside. Make sure that your cat has an ID tag or a microchip just in case it strays. Before allowing the cat outdoors, survey the surroundings and make sure there are no stray dogs or other cats around. Do not feed your cat for 12 hours before letting it out. This way, it will readily come when you call it for chow time. Establishing a routine will make moving with a pet cat to a new home as comfortable as possible in a short period.

Find Cat Moving Professionals
Finding a professional cat moving service like Exec Pet Transportation is your best bet for stress free pet relocation. They will supply everything and get there in no time. They come to your front door and drop off at your front door. It just doesn’t get any easier than that.  You’ll rest easy knowing your cat is getting the attention it needs while you take care of the issues at hand.

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.

6. Whats the best way to incorporate a new cat into my existing cat family?

I just got a new kitten. Just what I need one more cat, but i am a sucker and could not see this sweet kitten tossed out so, I decided to bring it home and give it a good home. Kittens are historically easier to introduce to adult cats than adult-to-adult introductions. What makes that particular situation work so well?

• First, the kitten has “baby-ness” on its’ side. Most species are hardwired to be tolerant of babies, allowing them to get away with behavior not tolerated from an older animal.
• Second, the kitten ‘baby’ hasn’t learned to strictly obey the adult cat’s “get away from me” hisses. The hisses have no affect because the ‘baby’ is oblivious to them. 
• Third, because the kitten hasn’t learned to stop and leave the adult cat alone, they push, push, push and push some more until they finally wear down the adult cat, who says: “okay, I accept you, do whatever you want with me” and from *this*, grows a new relationship of togetherness.

After many years of working with feral cats, poorly socialized cats must be done in the same manner, A kitten forces itself on an older cat. You must be respectful, and not rush getting the cat past certain, critical, points (Like: beyond the point where the cat will be harmful/dangerous to handle) as you gain its’ trust, but to get it accustomed to handling…you’re going need to sort of “flood” it with handling experiences, often, and regardless of the cat’s struggles.

This does not mean you completely ignore the cat’s wishes, but you do have to hold the cat for incrementally longer periods, accompanied with more frequent/numerous short handling sessions, even if the cat wiggles and struggles. This does NOT mean holding a cat who is terrified and feels it *must* get away at any/all costs. It just means the cat doesn’t sit quietly or stay of its’ own volition. It is gentle restraint (scruff hold or hand around the chest) to keep the cat near as the free hand rubs all over to get the cat accustomed to being touched. Just like that kitten wearing down the older cat…if we keep handling and handling the un-socialized cat, it will eventually just “give up” and let you do whatever you want. And from that point, the largest barrier has come down and the socializing/handling progress will continue forward with a deep amount of trust because the cat has finally accepted it, so it then becomes an exercise in continuing to keep the cat familiar with handling and get it to become more and more relaxed about it and accept it as the new ‘normal’ in its’ life, or accept it into its’ private circle of among-the-things-it-allows.  

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.

7. I feel so guilty when I go to work and leave my cat alone at home, any good tips to keep my kitty happy?

Keeping Your Cat Happy at Home Alone
You may not think of cats as paying much attention when their owners come and go, but some cats can develop separation anxiety when they form a particularly strong bond with their owners. Keep an eye on your cats for signs of anxiety and take steps to ensure peace of mind in your absence.

Know the signs of separation anxiety. They can range from prolonged vocalizations or excessive grooming when you are away, to urinating on your belongings or near the front door. Basically, you're looking for anything that's a departure from their otherwise normal behavior.

Make sure your cat's needs are being met. Cats are more sensitive to routine that affects them, especially mealtime routines. Be as consistent as possible in your feeding habits - the location within your home, the time, etc. Also, don't fall behind on litter box scooping despite demands on your schedule. A cat food that helps reduce stool odor might be helpful, too.

Provide opportunities for stimulation. Make sure your cats have plenty of engaging toys to enjoy while you are away. And make the most of playtime when you're available. Playtime limits frustration and helps your cats maintain emotional balance. Visit PetFit.com for tips and pointers on healthy ways to have fun with your cats.

Your veterinarian can help you cope with separation anxiety issues. If you've tried the above and don't see results, your veterinarian may need to take a closer look to rule out underlying health issues or provide additional treatment for anxiety.

Also if you have to "ship a cat" hire a pet transportation professional @ www.execpettransportation.com 

SOURCE: ©2009 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc

8. I am unable to drive my pets to our new home, what are my choices?

Many people who are unable to drive their pets to their destination, They painfully agonize about what to do. Many fears surrounding pets flying as cargo and with the track record of the airlines, the odds are just not even close to what you would feel comfortable with.  I want a 100% guarantee that my pet will be safe when I land. Here are your options:

Group Ground Travel - The pet will be in a strange vehicle with a stranger for up to 3 - 10 days as they zig - zag all over the country like a little school bus picking up and dropping off other customer's pets. It's affordable and if your budget is tight this is at least better than flying.

Air Travel - Carry On "in cabin" - Carrying pets onto a plane can sometimes be more stressful for both you and your pet.  Noises, smells, and people in the passenger cabin can threaten your pet’s feeling of safety.  You are restricted to pets under 10 pounds, and if all else fails this might be a choice.  Get a current vet certificate within 10 days of travel, an airline approved crate, they actually sell these at Wal-Mart, and a ID collar or microchip, take a harness or something very secure, you will have to take the pet out when you go through security so they can inspect the crate and you should be good.

Private Pet Ground Transportation - This is ultimately the best way to do this.  Ship a pet in a private transport is like your riding first class at the airlines.  Exec Pet Transportation picks up at your front door, travel nonstop with no overnights or restaurants, furnishes everything and next thing you know your pet has arrived at your new, home, fast, happy, and ready to see you.  These companies are not the cheapest kid on the block but there is always one rule that is always true.  They are good at what they do and your pet will be better for it.  To find a good company CALL them.  Talk to them on the phone.  Go with your gut and get references.  Exec Pet Transportation is a GREAT! Way to ship a pet.  Call today for a FREE QUOTE 678-975-2518.

9. Should I fly my pet? - You might not like this answer

According to the Humane Society of the United States, currently only owned pets are reported on. So if a breeder is transporting a cat or dog that dies, it does not have to be reported. They have new rule would require carriers to provide annually the total number of animals that were lost, injured, or died during air transport for the calendar year. This would include exotic animals being transported between zoos.

Kirsten Theisen, director of pet care issues for the Humane Society of the United States, told ABC News the organization fully supports these new measures. "Right now, it's still a bit of a mystery," she said, referring to the current regulations on airlines transporting pets. "We would like to see on those numbers. If the public had access to full spectrum of info they would be a lot smarter if they decide to fly their pet."

"There's a common misconception that if you put your pet in the cargo hold it will be treated like a passenger, but that's not what's playing out in reality," she said. Since each airline individually sets the standard for transport, it's unclear what the temperature control and air pressure control will be. "They're [the animals] are packed in with the suitcases and what we've heard is that the suitcases are packed around them to help stabilize the crate, so it's unclear how much air the animal is getting."

While the organization welcomes more regulation, they advise against flying with your pet. "Air travel is a risk to your pet's health and well being," she said. "Our goal is to promote the health and well being of animals and these two things are not compatible."  Flying with your pet, she said, should be a last resort when there is no other option. They're far better off, she said, with a pet sitter or in a kennel than on a plane.

Some pets are better suited to flying than others. Brachycephalic -- or smush nose -- dogs and cats such as bulldogs, Persian cats, pugs and mastiffs have more trouble breathing than other breeds and therefore may not be able to regulate their body temperature well. These animals should "never fly, period," Theisen said. "End of sentence."

Bam Bam, the Neapolitan mastiff that died on a United flight recently, was a Brachycephalic.  In a statement to ABC News, United Airlines said, "We have been in contact with Mr. Jarboe and are saddened by the loss of his dog, Bam Bam. The safety of the animals we transport is always considered first and foremost when making decisions regarding their routing and carriage."  At the time of the death of Maggie Rizer's dog, the airline said, "We understand that the loss of a beloved pet is difficult and express our condolences to Ms. Rizer and her family for their loss. After careful review, we found there were no mechanical or operational issues with Bea's flight and also determined she was in a temperature controlled environment for her entire journey. We would like to finalize the review but are unable until we receive a copy of the necropsy."


10. Ship A Cat - By Ground

Cat shipping is not hard if you know what to do. If you have one cat and it's small and you are flying most of the time you can simply put the kitty at your feet "in cabin" with you. I always suggest go first class to give you a little extra foot room. Private Ground cat shipping is another way to move your cat. This is also a first class ride for your kitty. A private ground cat shipper will come right to your door and pick up your kitty and drive them to their destination. Private ground pet transportation is really catching on. People simple want to ensure that their sweet pet arrives safe and sound and not completely nutty. Although it can cost a bit, it is the most stress free way to move your cat. A private cat shipper will also allow you to send all your pet items as well. If you have more than one cat.

11. I have one cat, what's the best way to ship my cat?

Let me recommend "in cabin" air travel.  Most airlines will let you travel with a pet 10 pounds or under "in cabin" at your feet.  You can actually buy the air approved crates at Wal-Mart for about $30.00.  Cats actually do pretty well and it's fast.  You will have to get a vet certificate within 10 days of travel and have all shots up to date and a rabies tag on the cat.  Also you will need identification on your kitty.  I also recommend a soft harness that is comfortable for the kitty to travel with and lay down as well.  You will have to take the cat out at security check points but with a secured harness this will be no problem.  

As you travel "in cabin" do yourself a favor and book a first class ticket. There is more leg room in first class and it will be a bit less hectic.  Traveling with your pet cat in cabin might be more trouble than you want so Exec Pet Transportation does offer a "Pet Escort" service.  We will fly to the pick up location airport, and retrieve your kitty and fly to the destination with your cat at our feet, tending to their every need.  When we land we will simply hand the kitty to you, then fly home to our Atlanta base.   Many clients use their frequent flyer miles to book the tickets, but it's all about make your pet relocation experience tailor made to your situation.  We are happy to do this and it makes your life a little less hectic.  Call the office for details.  678-975-2518.

12. Can cats be trained?

Yes, they can.  Any animal can be trained as long as "you" stay consistent. It is also a good idea to know the nature of the animal as well.  Cats are predictable and have set patterns of behavior.  The better you tune into this behavior the faster you  will be able to train you cat. It will be more difficult to train them to do or not to do things that are in their nature but you will have some success. For example cats do like to go through the motions of sharpening their claws.  This is their nature and no matter what you do they are going to do this, claws or not.  It is best to get them a scratching post or something that will allow them to to do this and they will migrate towards the toy instead of your couch.  I hate to admit it, but food is a great reward for most pets and makes training faster. Treats offered after a command will also reinforce your words.

 When you train a cat, a water bottle is also the quickest way to correct a cat.  For example, if they bolt to the door every time someone rings the doorbell, give them a quick mist of water and they will learn not to run at the door every time.  Also, if you are eating and you do not want them to jump on the table, mist them again and they will quickly learn to stay off.  

I have 7 cats and 4 are 6 month old male kittens.  They are wonderful and we can all eat outside at the barn and none of them jump on our table. They come when I call them and they sit quietly while I pet them.  They use to wrap themselves around my hand with all four paws and claws, but again that was corrected.  Do your best and love your pets and with time, consistancy and patience you will train your kitty to be a loving memeber of your pet family.  Or the kitty will train you!

Brought to you by The Atlanta Cat Expert Copyright @ 2013 Website Design by Padawa Productions, Inc.